On Monday the 18th, we began our filming. We did plan to film our first shot in the green room this lesson, however we decided to film everything outside before we went into the green room as the weather was nice. Also we saw that on Tuesday the weather forecast predicted rain and filming in the rain will damage the camera, affect our filming.
Kelly, designed the film name at home so this was another shot that we did not need to do on Monday.
So we went straight to filming shot three, however we noticed that this over the shoulder shot would confuse our audience as theres nothing that builds up to this shot. Therefore, we decided to add another shot of our actress (Lauren) walking to the bench and on her way she stops and notices the pen. This shot introduces the character, which is important as she is the main character at the start of the film. Our next shot was shot three on our storyboard, which was the over the shoulder shot that included the (magic) pink marker. We did plan to zoom into this shot, but when we went to zoom in the quality did not look so good, so we stuck with just an over the shoulder shot. This shot introduces the pen, as it is one of the main props of the film and builds the narrative of the whole film. We thought we would try a shot of the character picking up the pen, which was a long shot, which went well. We then done shot 4 on our storyboard, which was an extreme close up of the character picking up the pen. This shot allows the audience to identify fully what the character is looking at.
When it come to filming shot shot 5on the storyboard, we noticed Lauren our actress did not have pockets, so to over come this problem we got her to hold the pen she just picked up in her hand and made sure it was still in the shot. In this shot was also the sketchbook, which will be another prop used in the film. We did plan to have a close up of her holding the pen then zoom out, whilst her walking to the bench but again this did not look so good and the quality was pretty poor.
Our next shot we filmed was another added shot that we decided there and then. This was a side on angle shot of the character sitting down at the bench, putting her sketch book down. We then filmed shot 6 on the storyboard, which was a straight on shot, of the character flicking through the pages of her sketchbook finding a suitable page to draw on.
We had done all the shots that we had planned to on Monday, but still had time to film some more. So we carried on working through our storyboard and carried on filming.
When it come to filming shot 7 on the storyboard, we noticed we no longer had to film this as the actress did not have pockets and we had got her to just place the pen on the table when she sat down at the bench.
We then had shot 8 to do, but Kelly noticed we had already done a similar long shot of Lauren sitting down, so she decied to do a high angle shot of the character drawing the apple. We then moved onto filming shot 9, which was a close up of the apple that the character had just drawn. This then becomes a shot of a real apple on the page, which will look like the drawn apple turned into a real apple once the editing is done this will look like magic. Which will apeal to our target audience. The next shot was shot 10 from the storyboard, which was a close up of the characters reaction after noticing the apple has just become real. Her facial expression is shown as being really surprised. After that, we filmed another added shot, of a mid shot of thecharacter holding the pen and apple in her hands and looking at both objects with a surprised face. The character then goes to take a bite out of the apple. This shot replaced shot 11 & 12 on the storyboard. We then filmed a close up of the character taking a bit out of the apple, eating it and saying hmm, like it was really yummy. Which was our last shot that we filmed this day.
We then went back to the class room, where we uploaded our footage to the computer ready to edit another day.
Whilst filming this footage, Kelly and Beth took turns on the filming and both directed together. Also we filmed each shot a few times, so we get the best clip and to have a back up clip just incase the first shot went wrong. Overall the filming went well and better than expected.
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